How To Everfit

A brief explanation of how our app works.

Training Hierarchy

Training items are separated into a hierarchy of routines, workouts, & exercises respectively:

My Arm & Leg Routine

This is a routine. Routines are a collection of workouts.

Arm Day Workout

This is a workout. Workouts are a collection of exercises.

Bicep Curls

This is an exercise. Exercises are a collection of sets.

50lbs. x 10 reps

40lbs. x 12 reps

30lbs. x 15 reps

Tricep Extensions

Leg Day Workout


All Everfit exercises must be tied to a single movment.

This allows users to add different variations to an exercise, that are tied to the same unviersal movement.

Arnold's Squat Exercise

Arnold prefers doing less sets for squats.

Movement: Squats

405lbs. x 12 reps

405lbs. x 12 reps

Ronnie's Squat Exercise

Ronnie prefers doing more sets for squats.

Movement: Squats

585lbs. x 5 reps

585lbs. x 5 reps

495lbs. x 8 reps

495lbs. x 8 reps

Training Library Access

Training items that you create can be public, unlisted, or private, regardless of the visibility of your profile.

Private - Only you have access.

Unlisted - Anyone with a link has access.

Unlisted - Anyone has access.

Sharing a training item, in a post or message, will not change its access level.